Studie- og kurstilbud    Norskkurs 

Norsk A2 – Fredrikstad

Norsk for fremmedspråklige.

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This is the last step in the beginners level for those that have been through A1-1 and A1-2, or for those who speak and understand some Norwegian.

This course addresses written and spoken Norwegian, and this is learned by working on different topics within personal relations, everyday norwegian, Norwegian society and working life.

Course content

This course will also provide participants with a systematic and step-by-step introduction to the Norwegian vocabulary and language structure, as well as useful social information. Key topics in the course will be Words, Expressions, Dialogues, and Basic grammar.

We are finishing the books «På Vei» chapter 10 – 16

Why choose AOF?

All Our Norwegian courses have skilled and experienced Teachers that provide personalized tutoring throughout the course.

Our locations is near Public transport. If you arrive by car it is easy to find a parking lot.

The best way to learn Norwegianis in a classroom With a teacher.

Kurs informasjon

Kursid: 506020

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